Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I guess i shouldn't care

p/s :Jhing yee ! I miss my spongebob :((((

Do you ever get the feeling that people don’t like you? I get that, i get that ALOT. I am not in the popular crowd, but still people would say i'm arrogant. I have borderline personality disorder people see me as arrogant and stuck because when i first meet people im shy and i dont say much but the thing is im not afraid to speak up when needed. like if someone says something bad against me i'm not afraid to have my say. I also like to hang around small groups of people :)

Okay, saya ni jenis yang tak selesa nak berkawan dengan orang yang saya tak kenal. okay ? So, kalau orang senyum kat saya saya mesti senyum balik. Tapi kalau nak saya senyum dulu, memang.....tak boleh la. :O So, awak tak payah la nak kutuk saya belakang2 kata saya ni sombong la ape la kay ? Kalau tak suka saya, cakap je depan2. Habis satu sekolah kecoh kay, hafizah sombong la ape. oh my god -.- macam masalah besar je saya sombong ke tak.

Oh well, I guess I should stop dwelling and move on with my life. Can’t please everyone right?!

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