Friday, November 25, 2011

First of all, novemeber is coming to an end.  Look how fast 2011 passes by. So yeah, as you can see, I changed my blog link. Only my trusted people know my new link. I don't want unnecessary people to read my blog. And judge my posts, Telling people that I'm posting about them. I am moving forward and I will never ever look back ever again. Because whatever that I had before, it's behind me now. I am a new person, a new person with hopes and faiths and dreams.

I've changed my blogger template to the simple design template. I've been wanting to change it for few weeks but I don't have the time to do so, yeap white background looks a bit dull and that shows how my life is. Ha Ha. Anyway, my holidays did not turned out as I planned but nnonetheless, enjoying it all the way. Been baking, reading some books and cooking. So I guess, I'm not wasting my time, huh ?

I'm looking forward for my Bandung trip with my family this 17th December. My dad will be following us too. It's been a long time since I went for a holiday with dad. So yeah, lots of pictures will coming your way. :-) Will be there for 5 Days, and after I get back, I'll be taking my PMR results. o_o It's freaking scary, yknow. Whatever it is, I'll just hope for the best. Whatever my results gonna be, I'll just accept it with all my heart.

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