Sunday, June 26, 2011


So, I was scrolling through my posts today. And..well..I just have a sad life. :|

I once, privated my blog for such a long time because to be frank, i didn't want anyone to read my blog LOL so this blog has kind of been my diary over these few months . But now, It doesn't bother me one bit that this blog is public. Because I don't see the point of privating it. I'm not ashamed anymore. I'm not being secretive. I lay out everything about me here out in the open. :-) Yay me.

So anyway, my room is like..a sarang tikus now. I don't have time to clean them up. My books are everywhere. I am so irresponsible and so unorganized too. :s Because lepas study je, i'll just throw my books everywhere. LOL. Well, I'm awesome. *flips hair*

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