Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My apologies for my recent absence.

To be honest, this year has been an amazing year for me. Despite the fact that I had a slight misunderstanding with my best friend. But we have made up anyway. Everyone has their new year resolutions, as for me, I have no new resolutions because I think things come along the way and planning doesnt help somtimes. know this is the time of year when we are all supposed to start promising ourselves with new resolutions.  However, I just hope that next year will be much better than this year.

I realized many new things this year. I learned not to think too much on your problems in life, they are just test given by God to test you and to see how you handle the problems. and never ever put yourself down. The more you put yourself down, the more the tendency for you to pity yourself and expect others to pity you too. And when no one pity you, you'll be even more dissapointed. You know, if things didn't go as you wanted it's probably for a reason. 

Annnd not to give up on anything you do. I'm not going to lie but this might sounds pretty dumb, my grades in monthly test weren't that good, I must say. I didnt get straight A's in my monthly test. I got devastated because all my dreams were going to go down the drain. But with my parents and friends support, I didnt give a damn and I ignored everyone who were trying to make me feel bad about it. And I started to get good grades.:-)

Good things happened to me this year as well. PMR results were announced last Thursday and I didn't get the chance to update my blog bout it. Hmm well to be honest,  it was quite a blow for me. I didn't expect to get 8A's and I thought I would only have gotten 7A and 1B. The B is of course living skills. My Living Skill standard was usually around 70 during past exams. I guess i was lucky ! :D But Alhamdullilah, I managed to get the straight A's for my parents and for myself ! After I informed my family that I got straight A's, they were shoo happy and proud of me. Oh well, I love that feeling. The feeling of being loved.

I'd like to take this oppurtunity to wish you a Happy New Year as I won't be posting for the rest of the week. 

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