Saturday, July 9, 2011

I constantly have butterflies in my stomach,

When I was in Form 1, I had a crush with this guy who had fair skin, looked like a chinese and his hair was nice. He was pretty good looking. Let's call him H, shall we ? :D So, I started to go all anxious and nervous whenever I see him. I think a lot of other girls liked him too.

On my first day of school, we had this pemilihan ketua tingkatan and stuffs. I was surprised to find out that my classmates chose him as the Class Monitor and me, as the assistant monitor. I liked him quite a lot. But I think form 1 is just too young to start a relationship but old enough to like someone, I guess.

After few months in high school, I had more crushes and most of them were my seniors. *gatal betul* I liked a guy with the letter A, N, AA and some others, I can't remember. I feel so stupid now ==' I used to be so freaking shy and I didn't really talk much with H. Whenever we talked, i'd just looked down and I can't hardly speak, my heart pounded so fast. HAHAH

Then 2010, I moved school. I still liked him but I was able to forget about him a bit. Seriously. I seriously had a hard time forgetting about him. It's like, forgetting him is like trying to forget to shampoo my hair. Heh.. I hope you guys gt the point I'm trying to say -.-

Then my ex-friend told that H had a girlfriend. I was so heart broken. *cehh* But after few weeks, they broke up. I was like ''Ohh'' Then, I started to realise that I had forgotten about him already. Well, I was in form 1 that time -.-

So, I think, yeah, that’s all for my past crushes. Yeah, H my longest guy-crush ever. I remember I stalked H with my friends. I was really into him at that time. Anyway, I still have his picture x)

Okay, somehow I think this post is funny.

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