Tuesday, September 27, 2011


You know that feeling you get when every pretty thing crumbles to dust the moment you lay your hands on them? That is exactly how I feel right now, at this very moment. It's like I can't even trust myself to hold on to something as precious without letting go and ruining everything mere seconds later.In a more optimistic point of view, I'd say this is one of Allah's tribulations for me, to test my Iman and to see how I handle every single thing that is being tossed straight to my face.

Not forgetting to toughen me up for the real world where everything would most definitely be ten times as nasty.I really wish I was a kid again. I wish I could stay 5 and carefree forever. Having a picturesque image of the world sketched in my mind without any signs of darkness looming around. Only having to worry about the Sunday morning cartoon shows and sleep as late as 9 o'clock.

But then, reality will always strike at the exact moment and pull be back to here and now.But there's also this part of me -not as prominent though- that wishes to grow and see what the world is like, and learn the hard way on how to achieve happiness and Allah's blessings. I guess everything depends on me, my choices and outputs on everything will have an impact on, well, my future.

So my wish to all PMR candidates out there, do your best ! :-D

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